Assembly Line

KeMotion | Perfect Interplay of Process and Robotics

Closing the loop“ with innovative hardware and software concepts

📅 Date:

🔖 Topics: Circular Economy, Partnership

🏢 Organizations: KEBA, EREMA

“Initially, we were looking for a control technology manufacturer with whom we could flexibly shape our future and who offered total solutions. KEBA was not on the radar at first, but after some research, including discussions with business partners, the perfect win-win situation crystallized due to the good references, the similar size, and the possibility to access development on a partnership level,” Martin Kienbauer, Head of Automation at EREMA, explains the beginning of the cooperation. “It was quite a good fit, and so we started the discussion and saw the first results relatively quickly.” EREMA wanted to build completely new hardware and no longer just “parameterize” the software but really program it, develop its own architecture, have more freedom and bring its own creativity into the development of the software concepts.

The implemented concepts are based on the KEBA Kemro X automation platform, in a decentralized hardware concept, their focus is on the systematic construction of a modular machine architecture. The idea is to replace a central control with several compact controls from the scalable KeControl C5 control family in order to establish more flexibility for customer requirements. Optional peripheral units can either operate independently or be seamlessly integrated into an overall EREMA system. Modern software structures of the Kemro X platform and state-of-the-art technologies such as OPC UA Pub/Sub support this solution approach. Future-proof technology and programming, openness to developing own services at the control level, and integration into the EREMA Bluport portal - the EdgeDevice solution - are also essential components of the architecture.

Read more at KEBA News