
Assembly Line

Firecell raises €6.6M Seed funding for 5G industrial solution

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🔖 Topics: Funding Event

🏢 Organizations: Firecell, Ventech, Matterwave Ventures

Firecell announced the completion of a €6.6 million Seed round in equity led by Ventech and Matterwave Ventures, accompanied by Bpifrance’s Digital Venture fund and Bouygues Telecom Initiative. The funds will be used to develop a new range of products with new features such as geolocation and protection against cyber-attacks. They will also help deploy Firecell’s offering in Europe, notably in Germany, the leading European industrial market, where the startup is establishing a subsidiary, and to recruit new team members.

By reducing the footprint of 5G technologies to operate on standard servers and through strategic partnerships with renowned manufacturers, Firecell enables industrial enterprises of all sizes to pave the way for a smart industry.

Read more at Tech EU