Guangzhou Industrial Intelligence Research Institute

Assembly Line

Smart Glasses Aid Inspection of Automotive Wire Harnesses

📅 Date:

✍️ Author: Mingzhe Yuan

🔖 Topics: Augmented Reality, Visual Inspection

🏢 Organizations: Guangzhou Industrial Intelligence Research Institute, Ultralytics

Wearable image acquisition devices are a better option, due to their better flexibility and adaptability. To that end, we have developed smart glasses that use machine vision, artificial intelligence and augmented reality to help assemblers inspect wire harnesses. Our system is specifically designed to help assemblers check various parts of a harness, including the serial number, relay box labeling, relay types, the number of relays, and the size and color of the relays, focusing on aspects such as alphanumeric characters, colors and shapes.

For our system, we chose YOLOv5s AI-based vision software from Ultralytics Inc. YOLOv5 is in the You Only Look Once (YOLO) family of computer vision models. It is commonly used for detecting objects. YOLOv5 comes in four main versions: small (s), medium (m), large (l), and extra large (x), each offering progressively higher accuracy rates. Each variant also takes a different amount of time to train.

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